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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Improve Your Child’s Reading Habits with The Help of Ebooks

In this age of video games, any opportunity for learning should not be left out and reading through ebooks is an excellent way for beginning readers to learn and fully develop their reading and comprehension skills.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White - 2nd Generation
A lot of people are aware that ebooks exist but are still wary of using them, especially in child learning activities. If you have not taken advantage of this technological tool, you may be missing out on a lot because ebooks can actually facilitate a young child’s involvement with the reading and the literary arts.

Some who have tried sitting down with a toddler to read to him or her a book such as Treasure Island have struggled and experienced some resistance from the child especially after a few minutes.
Free Childrens Books and Young Adult Books for Kindle: Linked List of Over 1,000 Free Classics For Boys, Girls and Teens (Free Kindle eBooks)

However, if you were to obtain the ebook version of Treasure Island, it may even have cool background music and images that help add an improved sensory experience to it.
V.Reader Animated E-Book System - Pink
Several ebooks have an audio option that reads the story page by page. Some have icons that can help kids learn about phonics and intonations.

A lot of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder have improved their attention ability with the use of ebooks. Most children who have difficulty paying attention to a regular printed book becomes interested in reading when done at a computer or other multimedia device or an ebook reader such as a Kindle, iPad, Sony Reader, etc.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Complete) with illustrations and a FREE audiobook

To many children, reading a standard printed book is a passive and mundane activity but clicking a mouse to flip to another page or clicking on pictures and icons is practically more dynamic.

It is an accepted fact that there are children who are just resistant to reading. They simply do not want anything to do with sitting down and reading a book and they won’t even let you read one to them.

If this is your dilemma as a parent, try an ebook! If you select ebooks that are of good quality, kid friendly, and not boring, you may just discover you have a zealous reader on your hands. Images and sound can really liven up almost any book. You can even find free ebooks you can download on your ebook reader from dozens of sites online. Kindle has versions for the handheld device and for the PC. I have the Kindle for PC version installed on my child’s computer which automatically stores the ebooks I download for them, ready for reading as needed.
National Geographic Kids
Because of the availability of ebooks, the presently out-of-print classic books can now be read in digital formats.

In this age of video games, any opportunity for learning should not be left out and reading through ebooks is an excellent way for beginning readers to learn and fully develop their reading and comprehension skills.

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