They remark that when a child’s afternoon is filled up with classes, sports, trips and other forms of coordinated activities, children don’t quite get the time to be just kids. They’re even being stripped of the treasured family time.
Beyond any doubt, there are children who are being weighted with a schedule that puts greater demand on their time. This results in increased degrees of stress on the child and the family. As regular studies can’t be brushed off, children are nearly always on the run to accomplish more. Such children are actually bearing a burden that’s too big for their capacity.
In a suitable world, all kids will go home straightaway after school to loving and caring parents who are awaiting for the arrival of their children. But the social and economic facts demonstrate that a lot of kids have to attend after school courses since there is nobody available at home. For such kids, these classes are a boon.
Parents must however limit themselves from depending too much on these activities just to get children off their backs. After school programs are complimentary in nature and are generally beneficial to the child’s physical, intellectual, and emotional development. They give added support. However, it is for us parents to control the balance wherein parental participation is also as significant as the academic and extra curricular activities in order to raise a well-rounded and happy child.
Copyright © 2011 Athena Goodlight